The Play Store enables developers to publish their privacy policies app ( here you can download the latest 3.7.13 )

One of the novelties been overshadowed the latter Google I / O is the addition of privacy in the description of the app store on Google, which will allow developers to declare  what they're going to do with the data required of users .

It is certainly not a sea change in the development of Android, but it gives developers a ' major interface to communicate to users why some programming choices, sometimes a bit of who easily fraintendibili 'fast library of green robot.

This feature is already present in the web version of the Play Store and soil from Jelly Bean and it is sure not the only  novelty on which the engineers are working in Mountain View, it has in fact, found a ' mysterious voice in your developer's Play Store through which Google invited  to a test of the new features of its virtual store, but we are still waiting to receive the signal.

 ( here you can download the latest 3.7.13 )

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