Google's new ambitions in the mobile search market

The search giant is considering all possible ways to expand the scope of activities, even providing information to those who do not use search engines. Google is also looking to provide information to your mobile device for things you will not actively looking, but can be helpful to you.

This ambition beyond Google Now and billions of searches on Google every day, as part of the overall plan of the giants: "the organization's access to information throughout the world." To achieve this, Google needs to learn about the potential needs of everyone, and then use an innovative method implemented to serve them.

Google has partnered with about 150 people in an experiment where users receive a message on their phone from Google: "You want to know something right now?" several times a day. The answers are provided to help companies identify methods to capture the demand for the information that you never thought of looking for. This experiment is known by the name: the daily research needs.

This study is not complete, but when pairing this study with other data by context, such as GPS and other mobile communication is expected to allow Google to upgrade to a new high level service, surpassing Google Now or Siri Thinks Ahead. It has the ability to answer the questions given priority - what the researchers are trying to capture. Time analysis and the information model can help the giant Google has a completely new model for the search engines.

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