900,000 ANDROID SMARTPHONES PER DAY(absolute record!)

It goes well with Google, at least if we look at the number of connections of Google Android look. For some time, the number of users of Google's operating system enormously. The daily rate of Google Android smartphones will now also be activated at a rapid pace. Today was Andy Rubin (the chief of Google Android) himself admits that there are today about 900,000 Android smartphones activated on a daily basis. This is an absolute record!
The arrival of the Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X have contributed their bit of course, but especially the cheaper smartphones provide the large volumes. How long this increase still continues Rubin dare not say, but according to him is no end in sight. The increase in the number of active rings per day really takes off. In 2011, growth has to be greater than in 2012.
It is very curious about the distribution of the second (or first two) quarter of 2012. It is suspected  that something more Windows Phone market has drawn to itself, but from this corner of the BlackBerry will come. IOS is in my eyes the one that most of Google Android will return, but that we will have about a month to see!

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