ASUS confirms the Nexus Tablet

The days that separate us from Google I / O year (which begins on June 27 ) become less and less and the various rumors seem to be increasingly reliable news: it now seems virtually certain that during this event we see the first Nexus Tablet .

After the benchmarks, some photos (probably false) that the new product have seen recently including an employee of Asus, which for obvious reasons wished to remain anonymous, has confirmed that the two companies are collaborating to create a tablet statement, which will be presented at the end of June.
In summary, the new Nexus Tablet should be equipped with quad-core Tegra 3 to 1.3 Ghz, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, 7-inch screen and Android 4.1, all for a price below $ 200 (probably 199), which we hope will result in approximately 199 euros.

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