Clear statistics about Apple Store

At the moment the world is open 363 stores Apple Store, which together are able to generate revenue 18 billion dollars a year. Shop Apple Store is 26% of the total profits of the company. In the March quarter, Apple Store has brought the company a profit of $ 4.4 billion, increasing the previous figure of 38% (for comparison, the average rate of this growth in the U.S. - 2% per year). Profit that brings Apple Store exceeds twice the nearest "competitor" for this indicator - shops Tiffany (but Apple pays its workers less than Tiffany). In this quarter, Apple flagship stores visited by more than 85 million people, is the number greater than the number of people who visited the main baseball games in the U.S. in 2010 (73 million).

Apple spends about $ 1 million for the construction of an ordinary shop, 10.8 million for the construction of stores, which are designed to impress and amaze 20-40 million dollars on the flagship stores, which have to battle buyers on the spot. And you know what Apple Store is the smallest? - In the Santa Rosa Plaza is located in California's smallest Apple Store, the size of "only" 540 square meters. And the biggest Apple Store is located on Regent Street in London, his area of ​​7620 square meters. Incidentally, when it opened, the shop of Nokia in the same street, if It may say so with respect to the store went bankrupt.

About 50% of Macs sold in Apple Store, bought by people that had never used a computer from Apple. And most surprisingly, these statistics are virtually not changed for many years.

Around the world at the Apple Store have over 42,200 employees, of whom more than one third - 30,000 employees - only works in the U.S. Each member helps the company "to generate" about 420,000 dollars in profits each year, though they "bring home" about 25,000 dollars a year (regular rate - $ 12 per hour, Tiffany, the figure is $ 15.)

In 2009, about 10,000 people tried to get a job at Apple Store. And only slightly more than 200 people got the job - about 2% of the total number of applicants. By the way, at Harvard in the same year, tried to enroll 29,000 people, of who received about 7% (2,000 people).

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