Facebook: function to edit comments

 Shortly to correct an error of Facebook will no longer need to delete the whole message and rewrite it, but you can change the old message without removing it.

This function was already active on many randomly selected accounts of social networks in blue, but with the update coming in the next few days, the function will be active for all.

By clicking on the "X" to the next message will be easier to recover from (almost) any errors in addition to deleting the message, provided that no one has already replied to the message in question.

For most users this would be diverted to make up their own typing errors, gaffes and various posts in an altered state, not to mention the "grammatical horrors" that characterize the conversations chopped 2.0.

For all others will mean the end of the  duplicate notifications , bug that occurs when a user deletes and rewrites a comment on a bulletin board that generated the notification messages did not exist.

But beware, as soon as this function will be active for all those involved in the conversation can see the changes made to the message through a series of "edit history" feature that until now, even for the unwary tester, was active.

You can not wipe out a blunder, but at least you can prove eservice noticed, perhaps Zuckerberg wants to edit his debut on the NASDAQ?

Facebook Photo Edit
Here is the new feature that allows you to change, instead of deleting a message.http://bit.ly/MjtNwi

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