Facebook launched its "Spartan"

Remember the old story, when Twitter was integrated into iOS , and Facebook does not? It would seem that some kind of answer to an even earlier disagreement Apple and Zuckerberg for Ping , who seems to have been lead to fierce competition, provoked by the project " Spartan . " But in fact everything was much more prosaic. Facebook really launched his own application store and, yes, it is multiplatform. Works in both iOS and the Android through the appropriate client and on the desktop in a browser environment. That's just it's not really competition.
Facebook App Center - it's not even a shop, but rather the application directory, which contains a set of products in one way or another connected with the social network. Moreover, it contains references to both Web applications and the complete mobile software for iOS or Android. The very same client App Center is part of the mobile software Facebook and social networking site (and in the desktop and mobile version).

Traditionally, there are several service options for sorting programs by category, there is a kind of "Editor's Choice", that is, those programs that are most liked team Facebook, search is also available and even have a chance to show a web application or just mobile. In addition, App Center automatically detects the mobile device from which the entry was made, and invites application for him.

At this point in the catalog of about 600 programs. There is a fee, is free, the calculation is done through its own system of  Facebook, a social network while not taking any contributions from developers, in contrast to its competitors. Not yet clear whether there will be the practice in the future, but Facebook is primarily promotes his catalog as a tool to promote social networking, rather than as a source of additional income or competitor Apple App Store and Google Play.

Given the poor range of programs - it is really not a competitor, although in the near future it is planned to expand to 4,500 positions. On the other hand, Facebook is a very good traffic generator for Apple and Google. For example, in May through the links in the social network 83 million people crossed the App Store.

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