iOS game update: Catapult King, Project 83113, Unlock and bargains Download

Let's talk about control. Short. You see, Catapult King is a pretty catchy 3D version of Angry Birds which you throw stones on scaffolds with knights and castles - a mechanism that has grown on touchscreens. Unlock late 'complicated' forms show that you have to pull apart by rotating a lot - a mechanism that fits well with a touchscreen. And then we have Project 83113. If you see that game in action, you have no idea that it 
can be played on a touch screen. But the opposite is true!

Project 83113: project successful

If all other names have been used, Pleurtuit just take a random number in your title. If you're early enough, you are remembered because of it. Smart thinking of NCsoft, with a game on Project 83113 has marketed that virtually ungovernable resembles the iPhone. But it is. Watch the official trailer below, you see the strangest antics make us subject with which the enemies are diverted. If you thirty buttons need, but that's not true. No. 83113 swish through the air with a flick, let you float with a tap, let you jump up with a sweeping, sliding with a wipe down and shoot enemies with a single tap. How under the master controller is converted to this smooth gaming experience? We do not know. A fine piece of art developer. That you control fairly quickly under control, does not however say that it's easy. You can get three medals at the 27 levels: one for all opponents shoot, one for the mystery and find the last one you get if you do not hit. Reportedly it takes exactly 83113 seconds to get that last job. We can imagine.

Just out of shape: Unlock
It has the good name and if you are the screenshots in the App Store, you see more than a fun 3D style. Unlock seems to be a fun brain teaser game and there is the idea also. You get different shapes for your nose you from all angles by rotating to watch. The intention is that eventually no colored patch that is touching another plane. Sounds challenging, but after two levels slips hoping for a mindbender through your fingers. Remove a block and the rushes of the screen. Clearly, yes, but the challenge is to find anything in the beginning. Just turn around to see where the upper block is and you have ninety percent of the puzzle had. Later in the 50 levels is a lot more interesting and give you forms that you do not move with a block at a time can solve. A relaxing puzzle game interrupted by a childish space creature that just reminds that Unlock not meant for us - but that is happy.

Trailer Catapult King

Funny: Microsoft tidy three minutes at its annual E3 game exhibition press conference to inform the public to notify the game Wreckateer , a kind of Angry Birds in 3D that you catapult itself from the controlling and viewing. And three days later there will be an iPhone game from doing the same, but without the childish tone of über Wreckateer and also a lot smoother in game play area. Catapult King is a highly digestible game. Your bangs Knights of scaffolds, tilt and castles off by pulling back the elastic and provide direction. If your target is hit, winds through the air and the groans its way out of the picture. Many times action brought richer and tastier than the excruciatingly slow game that Microsoft revealed. One of the best games with Air Mail recently that the iPhone has been released. This is back to the drawing board, Microsoft.

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