Podcasts can get a standalone application in iOS 6

From the latest version of iTunes, which Apple showed developers this week, gone podcast section. Many news agencies have set search reasons, and the answer was not long in coming.
In the final version (and maybe even earlier, in one of the betas) iOS 6, which will be publicly available this fall, Apple, apparently, will add a special application for podcasts, with which users can download podcasts and play them on your device.

This is reminiscent of the progress made by Apple in the last year, when we learned that one of the key changes to the main screen of our iOS-devices will be sharing application on the iPod Music and Video. Same story with the mobile lovers of reading. The application was iBooks world in January 2010, at the presentation of the iPad as a separate application from iTunes. The division is affected not only the software component - the status of a separate entity iTunes Store got a shop iBookstore.
Based on the sequence of these steps, it would be logical to assume from the Department of the Music Podcast to a separate application with access to a directory of podcasts.

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