Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 will Support Printing Faster and Easier

In a new article published in the bog of Windows 8, Adrian Lannin, head of the printing of Microsoft Windows operating system confirm the latest version will support printing faster than compared to its predecessor because of series of changes and innovations applied. According Lannin, Windows 8 will use an architecture new printer driver that Microsoft called 4th generation (version 4) is resistant to increase significantly the speed of operation of the device being as well as reduced capacity for software installation.

 The number of printers that Windows 8 support is available around 2500 up about 184MB of data memory, while this data in Windows 7 and Windows Vista is 768MB and 446MB respectively. Microsoft claims to have built architecture of new drivers to use in smaller and faster is called "print driver class framework". This architecture allows people to install a printer without its own driver in most cases.

Thus, in future more printers can be used immediately without installing Windows 8 driver. Windows 8 will also be directed to a new printing process with a driver or a printer page description language (page description languages - PDL) is compatible with many different printers.

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