Tweet Cleaner: Easily Remove Unwanted Tweets on the iPhone Download

The iPhone app Cleaner makes it easier to a previously placed Twitter message. The app gives a timeline of your messages, which you can select, multiple tweets to them all at once. The app loads at once your last 3,200 tweets and also stores all loaded tweets on offline. How you build an archive of all your tweets within the app to quickly erase later.

Tweet Cleaner works like the Mail app on the iPhone. If you click on the Edit button in the top right button, you can start editing your posts. By tapping on a tweet displays a checkmark next to it. You have better selection by tapping multiple tweets, followed them with the delete button at the bottom can be deleted. Two extra buttons let you in once all loaded tweets select or deselect.

By example you can filter tweets to all your posts about a particular topic or a specific hash tag see. You can also specify that you only tweets posted before or after a certain date to view. This you do not have to search your entire timeline, for example, a drunken tweet on Queen to find out.

Download: Tweet Cleaner (€ 1.59) Here:

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