Wikipedia app Articles: universal search page Download

Articles have been updated to version 2.3 and that means a major update to the app where you Wikipedia articles in a quiet area to read. From the newest version, the iPhone app which is also optimized for the iPhone and you do Articles no longer a separate app for the phone to buy. In addition, the requirement for many users ability to search for words within articles, also added to the app.

In honor of the new version with the long-awaited improvements, the price temporarily dropped Articles of 3.99 euros to 1.59 euros. The standalone iPhone app, which is already a considerable time on a search on a Wikipedia page has, still is for 79 cents to download.

There are still some improvements to Articles; the important thing is that you can hold items for later reading. In a separate section of the app you can select the highlighted items to read. A more incremental innovation is that Wikipedia pages can share on Twitter. Some bugfixes pull the app visually tighter.

Download: Articles (temporarily € 1.59 universal app) Here:

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