The search of Facebook can reveal your name and your number to strangers

Security researchers revealed that cunning can abuse the search function via telephone Facebook to "fish out" invalid phone numbers and the names of the users account. Things get even worse in the mobile version of the social network which allows unlimited searches or otherwise unlimited testing...

If you associate your phone number with your account on Facebook, the default option for who can look through the email address or phone (Privacy Settings> How You Connect> who can look you up using the email address or phone number you provided?) is the 'Everyone'. Even if you put 'Me only', anyone who knows your phone number can detect your profile on Facebook.

In other words if someone put order to detect phone numbers and their owners are very easy to do so long as you have patience. The researcher who discovered this vulnerability released 850 phone numbers (some digits only) along with the names of their owners, saying that even the possession of a lot more. As for Facebook, declined to make a comment...

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