A complete scientific calculator and style Material Design with Numix

With the increasingly coming up arrival of Android L, the Material Design seems to have already established itself as the next standard in terms of interface. Further proof comes with the app Numix, thanks to a detailed graphic and guidelines of Material Design, port on our devices a scientific calculator  complete.

The classic keyboard base allows you to make calculations easier, while with the swipe or key place in the vicinity of the result, we can open the panel of the advanced features and one of the number systems. The options available are all those that we expect from a scientific calculator and include logarithms, trigonometric functions, exponential and imaginary numbers.

The number systems supported are the decimal, binary and hexadecimal. In the settings we can turn off the different panels, select the unit for grades and manage the options of the Pro version. Numix is available in two versions: the base, in the form Free, Pro and that will cost about € 1.10 allows unlock other features such as:

Function graphs
History of results

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