Apple retail stores or sale Fitbit device

Fitbit issued a statement saying that the company is still evaluating the integration and HealthKit. HealthKit is Apple's latest software applications, as a health and fitness data on the iPhone's storage center.

Including many health and fitness applications developers are planning to upgrade their applications, allowing users to send data to HealthKit.

According to the Group estimated that from April 2013 to March 2014, the nation's fitness tracking devices sold 3.3 million. Fitbit at the start of the market's earlier claims have occupied nearly 70% market share. Other share mainly Nike + FuelBand and Jawbone Up to carve.

Apple announced last month gracefully designed Apple Watch, starting at $ 349, the main high-end market. After this, Fitbit founder and CEO James Parker (James Park) specifically highlighted the Fitbit full compatibility with all major platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows.

But in the spring of this year, Nike FuelBand cut resources department. Insiders believe that the move is in response to Apple's Apple Watch and make strategic decisions.

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