Australian Scientists Effectively Reproduce The Journey Through Time Download

A team of physicists led by Dr. Martin Ringbauer at the University of Queensland, Australia has proposed experiments using particle of light to simulate travel through time. And recently, using the standard optical devices in the laboratory, they claim to have successfully implemented the model outlined earlier. Specifically, the group has one photon behaves like it is moving in the hole- a shortcut space - time. Although this experiment does not create a time machine immediately, but it contributes to solve problems that have long existed in physics: the unity between quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Previously Einstein's theory that can not ferment way, time to go back to the starting point in space but in time before. In other words, this will bring the object back one location at a time has passed through a shortcut - called deep hole. However, this is only theory, and so far no experimental proof of this. At the same time, according to the arguments of classical physics, this has led to many paradoxes and the most famous is "grandparent paradox". This paradox will happen if you go back to the past and kill your grandfather when he was still young and unmarried, so you will not be born. However, for the quantum mechanical paradoxes are resolved. The theory of quantum paradoxes that grandparents are related to the two states of a subatomic particle: status 1 and 0 corresponds to live and dead. Accordingly, the paradox is resolved by the argument: if one particle comes with status 1, travels back in time to the past and to meet the younger version of it, the value of the child version will turn into 0. However, in 1991, Professor David Deutsch at Oxford University has argued that the nature of quantum mechanics is to rescue the aforementioned time travel. He said that the first particulate matter is always one intermediate state makes it safe to travel time. For example, if one comes to the state grain mix between 0 and 1, and the paradox grandparents come, from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 with 50:50 ratios allows it to remain safe and rotation of reality.

And in this experiment, Dr. Martin Ringbauer and colleagues combined model previously developed by the team with the argument of Professor Deutsch and perform it right in the laboratory. In the laboratory, the team has not been able to create truly one hole, so of course they will not be two versions of the survey, "young and old" one particle of matter. However, they are replaced by using two separate particles. The idea here is that "one seed children" still in non - normal time, in the meantime, "one old grain" will disappear into the hole, and appeared in the "past" to interact with the particles other. Based on this idea, the group has created one photon pairs by shining a laser beam through a nonlinear crystal. Photon child will be encrypted by its polarization - polarized in the horizontal axis represents the value, polarized along the longitudinal axis represents the values ​​1 and polarized intermediate form to represent metaphysical position (superposition). Then it will be for young photon interacts with "old partner" in the beam splitter (beamsplitter) and the results will be recorded by two detectors. 1 detector will make the entrance hole is deep and monitoring operation of the photon old to ensure that it keeps the status of the entire process into a deep hole. This way, the experiment will discuss chronic "conditions consistent" argued Professor Deutsch, eliminate the paradox grandparents and prove that anything came out in deep holes are unchanged. On the other hand, continuous photon encryption will change to one of 32 different types of polarization and altering the state of the photon aging conditions to ensure consistency. The end result, the research team has discovered the presence of closed timelike curves (Closed Timelike Curve - CTC) and allow observers completely distinguishable "journey time of photons". This is something that can not normally be done in quantum mechanical systems. The researchers said the findings have opened up new vistas to decipher the mysteries of the quantum world, allowing possible survey the entire process of CTC activities and implementation of quantum measurements that do not interfere in it. Furthermore, the study also paving the reconciliation of conflicts existed for many years in the world of modern physics between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Imagine slightly more successful this time also helps humans have more hope of helping people travel through time in the future. Hopefully we will see that day.You can download and follow the links below to read the fullest offline.

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