Windows Mobile 8 will Receive a Kids-Safe Mode

There is still not much known about the new Microsoft operating system called Windows Phone 8. We have some great introductory videos seen and occasionally diving is some functionality that the software offers. Today we again face such a striking feature. Windows Phone 8 would be a kids-safe mode include!

Users of tablets and mobile phones are getting younger. Parents let their children play with the costly gadgets like the most natural thing in the world and that it is actually a bit. You can be for or against, but it is increasingly common for a toddler of three knows more than an iPad a man of 60. That whole young audience is often found on a tablet, while the older group (say from 10 years) is available on a smartphone. Precisely for that group seems Microsoft is now the kids-safe mode to introduce Windows Phone 8.

Windows Phone Hackers today found several indications of the presence of such a feature in the new software. Thus there is a subkey called present that refers to Family. This category is the category KidZone present which in turn refers to a protected Android App that allows children to adult websites.

It would be all in all a positive development. I am certainly a proponent of the use of tablets in education, but of course the right way!

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