Cloak: safe surfing in bars and other public Wi-Fi spots (iOS, OS X) Download Free

During the holidays, the best thing to avoid getting an unsecured network your e-mail tries to retrieve. In a cafe you see a sign Free Wi-Fi and you think: "Oh, why not? Little chance that someone is my login and bank data sits bleeding. "But you'd better be on the safe side and use a solution like Cloak. This is a new service for users of OS X and iOS, which you can make a secure connection while sitting on an insecure network. Cloak is two hours a month for free, which you may use up to 1 GB of data, enough for picks up a few e-mails and controls your banking.

Do you need more data, you pay $ 8 for 20 GB or $ 15 for 50 GB (two per month). But you probably do not need, because who is now in a cafe while you're on holiday movies are streaming and why would you protect? Cloak is more intended for receiving and sending small data, like email and instant messages. With Cloak you can protect you against hacker tools like Fire sheep that lets you easily personal data of people on public networks can intercept.

Cloak is made ​​by ex-employees of Microsoft and is in fact an implementation of a VPN (virtual private network). Please do not be put off, because the authors have made ​​every effort to provide the service as easy as possible. Thus Cloak decides whether you put on an unsecured network and will automatically turn, so your data is always protected. The former Microsoft employees have opted for OS X and iOS: "We started with the Apple ecosystem because we know best, but we are eager to include Android and Windows going support once it succeeds ", says engineer Dave Peck. Cloak is currently in public beta, but you can already do normally.

The Cloak app do you use as follows:

Install the app.
Go to the Settings app.
Turn Cloak (VPN) in.
All you're doing is protected by Cloak

The app supports "always on", so you do not need it to think that you should use Cloak. Cloak chooses the fastest server available at the time you want to go surfing. You can also click the Cloak iPad use, where the retina display of the newest iPad is supported. Come close to the set maximum of 1 GB free, and then Cloak gives a notification on the screen.

Download: Cloak (free) Here:

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