Gmail: new feature to authenticate two or more accounts simultaneously

A recent addition that deserves to be mentioned is the function that allows the authentication of two or more Gmail accounts.

For example, if you have a double Gmail e-mail, you can quickly switch between accounts without the need to open a second browser, or log in each time to switch from one mailbox to another
So if you have one or more accounts, just click on your name written in upper right corner of Gmail and add other profiles to be connected.

Using the same button you can then switch from one account to another without wasting time.

Recall in addition that you can always download the mail to an account (including non-Gmail) within a predefined box.

For example if we have the mailbox we can make Gmail scratchily e-mail to staff within the mailbox, going into Gmail settings, you can then add additional email addresses that are able to convey all messages in a Gmail in particular.

Here’s how to connect several Gmail accounts and staying connected to all

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